Thursday 1 December 2005

Where do I start??

Thought it was about time I had a go at this. I've had a rough couple of years and feel like I need to offload some of it in the hope that it will help me move on, or something like that...

Well, 2005 was a bad year for me. I should have known when I spent New Years Eve in bed, full of cold it wasn't going to be a good one... I'll try and keep this short, but here is a quick summary of my breast cancer journey in 2005.

  • Mid March 2005 - I discovered a lump while showering - the lump that would change my life forever.
  • April 18th - plucked up courage to see GP about the lump and was referred to breast clinic.
  • April 29th - went to breast clinic. Got prodded, poked, squashed and scared.
  • Friday 13th May 2005 - a date I will never forget because I was diagnosed with breast cancer, at the age of 33. So, I went to the pub and got very drunk.
  • June 6th - The day of operation number one, my first ever hospital stay. A lumpectomy and axillary clearance, and not very much sleep... Hospitals are not a good place for sleeping!
  • June 17th - A bad day cos I got post op results and they weren't very good. Here's the science bit... My cancer was Grade 2, 23mm, 6 lymph nodes involved, er+ and pr+ (and since found out HER2-). No clear margins (spread up to 60mm). So, I was told I had to have a mastectomy. I cried a lot that day and felt really defeated. I was also told I was going to have CT and bone scans. A very scary time!
  • July 4th - had bone scan.
  • July 12th - had CT scan.
  • July 19th - had mastectomy. I found out the results of both scans literally just before op - both clear!! Hurrah, some "good" news at last!
  • July 29th - got post op results. No nasty surprises this time. Told I had to have chemo (E/CMF), radiotherapy and tamoxifen.
  • Aug 5th - started chemo.
  • Aug 26th - shaved hair off, sick of finding it everywhere...

And so it went on... trips to the hospital every few weeks, needles, no hair and feeling crap.

1 comment:

Doris said...

Oh jeez, I've had some rough years but this is just too awful .... and you survived it all. Three years later and you are still plugging away. You have my admiration for keeping on keeping on.