Monday 12 June 2006

Back to being a wage slave.

After 53 weeks off sick, I went back to work today...

So, that's day one over with. I'm really chuffed with myself now I really did get all nervous and couldn't sleep very well last night cos my mind went into overdrive thinking about it all.

Anyway, I drove to the car park I haven't been in for over a year, went to the sarnie shop I haven't been to for over a year... It was all quite surreal really. The ladies who work in the sarnie shop were really excited to see me, made me feel all welcome (they sent me a bunch of flowers last year - they are lovely). I then went into work to be greeted by a "Welcome Back" banner on the wall and balloons fastened to my chair Awww!

Quite a few people were off today so it wasn't too overwhelming, and I was pretty much left to it - just logged on my computer, read a few of the 1200+ e mails I have in my inbox, made a cup of coffee and did a bit of gossiping. It was good, I felt glad to be back.

I think I'll be having my official "return to work" interview tomorrow, cos both of my bosses will be in. The lad who has covered my job while I've been off is being left in place until I finish my 12 week phased return, so I intend to ease myself in nice and gently. Plenty of time for them all to get used to the new me, I really don't want to turn into the workaholic I used to be...

One thing though - I am shattered!! I bet I sleep like a log tonight.

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