Friday 29 August 2008

The interview

This is going to be quite a short post, because I am exhausted to be honest.

I had my investigation interview yesterday. It was ok I suppose, but on more than one occasion I got very upset. I guess the word that describes me best at the moment is fragile. All the months of this going on have really taken their toll on me.

I am still unclear how I am a bully, or have harassed or intimidated anyone. The questions asked didn't really give me the answers to that. In fact, some of it was laughable (well, it would be if I wasn't so upset!). One of the complaints against me is that I have laughed when talking to another manager at work. I kid you not - the possible few occasions where I have laughed this year is now being used against me!!

I managed to take a union rep with me to the meeting, and he was disgusted about the interview. He said he will be taking it up with the powers that be. Good for him, I think, but I'm really getting tired of all the battles surrounding this. I feel like a pawn in a game where I don't understand the rules.



Anji said...

It sounds awful. if makes you wonder how they can stoop so low. The union rep can see what's going on - lets hope everyone else can.

Anji said...

Just checking in to see how you are getting along. I hope that things are sorting themselves out and that your next post will be better news

Jo said...

No news yet... I'm still waiting for the outcome. I'll post again as soon as I know more.

Thanks for popping by though :)

Doris said...

Oh jeez - this is just so bloody unfair. Even if it is the universe nudging you to move on to better things for you I really think this is no way to go about it!

I hope that the outcome is a very nice golden handshake that enables you to go off to better things.

Thinking of you and wishing you well.