Wednesday 3 May 2006

Hanging around all day

I'm not a happy bunny today.

I had an appointment at 9:50am today with the Oncologist. This meant getting up quite early (for me!). I then sat and waited for over and hour and a half in a horrible crowded waiting room before I got to see anyone (apart from a nurse who weighed me when I first got there - put a few pounds on the last couple of months - oops ). Finally got into see the Onc just before 12, I was in and out in about 5 mins. He just asked me how rads went, and how I was finding Tamoxifen. To be honest, most of the appointment seemed to be for the benefit of the student doctor he had in with him. He asked her more questions than me.

Then I got sent up to the chemo suite (it was about 12 o clock then) for my infusion of zoledronic acid, and I was sat waiting up there until gone half 2!! The waiting room was full of really depressing people too (not their fault obviously, but it rubbed off on me). So, finally got out after 3 o’clock. I won't even mention the fun they had finding a vein...

So I was up at the hospital for 5 hours in total. All that for a 5 minute chat and a 15 minute infusion. Then I got caught up in all the school traffic on the way home. Not one of my better days. I think I will crack open a bottle of wine in a minute...I need a drink.

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