Thursday 12 June 2008


That's the sound I make when I come back down to earth.

I met up with a friend from work yesterday. I'm not too sure of all the details yet but it seems the situation at work has escalated (yes even more!!). My big boss was going to HR again yesterday afternoon to speak to them about making it all formal. I think she has felt quite a lot of the backlash the last week or so, and the spotlight seems to have gone onto her now. So it looks like there will be some kind of formal process I'll have to be a part of. All the feelings I have managed to shake off these last few weeks will get raised to the surface again. Great.

I despair really. I feel pretty stuck now because I don't feel ill and the doc has signed me as fit for work next week. I won't be there for another couple of weeks cos I will be on holiday (I booked it a while ago), but then what? I dread walking back into the now even more escalated situation, but don't like being off work either because of it. I don't really know what to do or say now.


1 comment:

Anji said...

Enjoy your long awaited holiday for a start. Then show them what you're made of!! It's easy for me to speak as I've never been in a situation like that. I hope everything works out.