Wednesday 8 February 2006

Feeling hmmm....

Today I feel a bit hmmm, not sure really. Usual week after chemo stuff, not sure if I feel good or not. Half and half really.Cold has progressed into a very runny nose. I've used about 100 tissues already today. Every time I go from somewhere warm to somewhere cold or vice versa it's like GUSH.

I was knackered when I woke up this morning. Not surprisingly cos I really haven't stopped the last few days. I'd just got into the shower when ding dong, the postman was at the door. I think postie was a bit shocked when I appeared, half bald, half wet in my dressing gown at the door I'm past caring what people think these days.

I've then been up to the hospital to see the Onc. It was a different bloke today and I really liked him. He was really funny and made me laugh. He had a medical student in with him and I don't think she knew how to take us cos we were in stitches, talking about the perils of chemo brain etc. Other than the good laugh though, the appointment was a bit of a waste of time. He was just checking up on me now I've finished my chemo, and is writing to my GP to sort out my Tamoxifen (I thought they'd be doing that today, but they want it to be done by the GP for some reason).

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