Thursday 16 February 2006

Sick notes and sheep

The day started off quite bad, woke up feeling a bit blue. Tried to get an appointment with my GP cos my sick note has run out and I need to see him about starting Tamoxifen. The surgery's computer is down today and the not so helpful receptionist was her usual non pleasant self. When I put the phone down I just burst into tears. Daft or what?

Spoke to a nicer receptionist a bit later. Computer was still down, so I decided to give it a miss and will try again tomorrow. It annoys me that you can only ring up for an appointment on the day you need to see the GP. I knew 3 months ago I'd need to go back for my sick note, so why I couldn't book an appointment then I just do not know.

Had my now daily 20+ mile trip up to the hospital then. Started to cheer up a bit on the way there when I saw all the sheep, cows and horses in the fields on the way. I got befriended by quite a bonkers old dear in the waiting room who went on and on about the patient transport service while I was waiting. Her appointment is the one after me so I guess I'll get the same conversation tomorrow. Bless her.

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