Wednesday 1 February 2006

Fed up of waiting

I've had a funny couple of days recently. I guess it's down to the chemo again, but I've been feeling a bit fed up. One friend has just made me laugh though, I usually speak to her nearly every day but cos I've been a bit down and fed up I've not been in touch. I emailed her earlier and her reply was "blimey i woz beginnin to think u'd carked it!!!!". Nice to see my friends have the same sick sense of humour as me.

One of the things that has really been getting on my nerves this week is all the waiting I'm having to do. This is part of my current "waiting" list:
  • Waiting for Jobcentre to sort out my claim for Incapacity benefit. I've filled in about 60 pages of claim forms in January, had 2 long phone calls with them and got an acknowledgement slip this morning telling me it was being "dealt with". Great.
  • Waiting for the replacement memory to arrive for my (very slow) pc. I sent the faulty one back a week ago, and the new one hasn't turned up yet .
  • Waiting for my hair to grow enough to go out uncovered.
  • Waiting for this week to end so I can say chemo is over with...I could go on.... but I won't.

I'm one of those people who just sorts stuff out when they crop up, so am finding it really hard at the moment waiting and relying on other people. I want some control back in my life.Back on the hospital conveyer belt tomorrow for blood tests, then THE LAST CHEMO on Friday.

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