Wednesday 21 February 2007

Session number three...

Saw counsellor yesterday. In all honesty I was thinking about packing it in when I was on the bus on the way there. After my lovely week last week (had the week off work!) I felt so much better. Anyway, I won't bore you all with details, but let's just say she unlocked a few doors and dug up a few things that we need to work on so I'm going to carry on for a while longer... I am finding it very hard though, I've always dealt with things well (in my opinion) and kept my emotions in check so all this is new for me.

She was very interested to hear how I bare my soul on the internet while I keep a lot hidden from my friends and family...

Now, I am off swimming for the first time since I had my operation. I even have a special boob to wear, called a been-a-boob Hope it does the trick! I'm feeling half nervous, half excited.

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