Tuesday 13 February 2007

I got one!! Well two actually!

Today I went to the mastectomy wear shop. They didn't have anything that would fit me!! The ladies in the shop were lovely, and said they were expecting some new stock in soon that would cater for my size. I left them my phone number so they could call me when these TWO styles arrive - both of which are vile and even my almost 60 year old mum thought were horrible and old fashioned.

So, I'm really pissed off at this point and decide I NEED to spend some money to cheer myself up so I trecked over to a huge M&S and guess what....I GOT TWO COZZIES!! I need to get them pocketed, but other than that they are bloody well perfect for me. Good old M&S. Will phone the specialist shop tomorrow to sort out getting pockets sewn in I think...

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